BanK travels

Monday, February 20, 2006

Well in Wellington

I guess this blog hasn't yet made for gripping reading. But things might change at some point soon....

So far, we've destroyed two cameras. One by drowning and the other by, well, drowning. So no photos as yet. Bought a new un today so you might be able to see my decreasing, increasingly svelte person at some point soon. After a week surfing in Raglan and a week canoeing down the Wanganui river we are certainly getting tanned and superficially healthy looking. Kelly, being an Aussie and used to the hot thing in the sky doesn't need suncream to get burnt. The debate of melanoma versus suncream chemical induced problems was, I think, decided in favour of my considerably less pink and peeling self.

The folk here are friendly to a degree I've not really encountered before. Apart from my friends of course. Everyone is full of chat and on the verge of a smile or laugh. Could just be a weather thing perhaps having left Scotland in Febraury emerging into the inferno here (20-25 degrees might not be an inferno to some but they haven't toughened themsleves through years of minimal central heating use). But then again, when was the last time you heard a Stagecoach driver wetting himself with laughter relating a story about him learning to waterski? The bus drivers here are a hoot. Describing in measured tones the agriculture, geology and history of the landscape passing by (ignoring little things like the bloody great eagle flying alongside the bus!), chatting away to everyone about friends of friends of friends preparing for avian flu (he's going to go into the bush and shoot anyone that comes near him) and often having a giggling fit when the usually absent punchline approaches. Jeez, they must be giving them something in the water.

At the mo' we're in Wellington staying with Cath, an ex flatmate from Edinburgh. Yes, she too survived the experience and is doing very nicely with husband Pete and three kids. Lovely place Wellington and they make a fine beef dish.

Tomorrow we're off to Nelson in the South island to drink wine, do a bit of walking, and drink wine. Three weeks from now, to Adelaide, Kel's hometown, parents and the deadly animals of Oz which are strangely absent in New Zealand. Why is that? I don't know but it has been the most taxing thing for me over the last couple of weeks.

How are you all? I wish you were all here but I don't know if you could all stay.

Lots of love, Ben


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