I'm HOME! Back in Adelaide staying at chez McGorm. Wasn't sure how I'd find it after last being in Adelaide 2 years ago staying in the palacial beach house in Semaphore. However, Mum and Dad are now living on a lake! West Lakes to be precise, and it's really lovely. A no through road on one side and a lake on the other; slept like a baby last night. Arrived yesterday to big hugs and cuddles from the folks. Magic weather to get an orientation from Mum around the Lake, and to drive Ben into the city and around some of the old haunts. The Fringe/Festival is on until the 19th, so hoping to catch a show this week. Importantly, the AFL (Australian Football League) pre-season final is on this Saturday. The Crows are playing... someone... Think we've secured tickets to that, so that should be a hoot.
I have another story about the Milford Sound Track, but that's another entry. I have the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony to watch. But it goes along the lines of something about four inches of rain and waterfalls... or being a waterfall or something. And NO, we didn't drown another camera.
Love to all
X Kel
You are home!!! This feel just CRAZY!!!!
Very cool :] Enjoy being home, showing the old haunts to your wonderful beau, spending time with your family and friends!!!
You guys have already made it so far in your trip, this current leg should be pretty fabbo!
Got your great card - it is awesome and adorning our fridge!'
Ah was down the shops buying some axle grease for the wife so she could get off on the smell anyway as ah was sayin she was gowen like a goose on acid round the pond really crazy likes like it had some sort of flue.
I'm spammin'. Look at me I'm spammin". I hope youv'e both got enough for a plane ticket to greece 'cause that's where lisa and I are having our holidays.
It's not difficult. Just speak to the Indian high commision. They will organise you a private jet. Just say the words.
C-A-S-S I-S A-C-U-N-T.
Remember the time when I looked across the table when you were eating the borsch and the beatroot tasted so good. The cabbage was better but the after affects caused so much trouble with the laundry company that we used to use I can't believe they had the gall to try and blame those excrecitions These excrections lead to friend depletions
I am weakened by these excrections
I am weakened by these excrections.
on my condition of realisation of release.
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